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Pearson Education Italia

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. Classroom in a book. Con CD-ROM

Pearson Education Italia

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Informatica. Una panoramica generale

Brookshear J. Glenn - Pearson Education Italia

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Fluency. Conoscere e usare l'informatica

Snyder Lawrence - Pearson Education Italia

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Fondamenti di marketing

Blythe Jim - Pearson Education Italia

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L'impresa al servizio del cliente

Horowitz Jacques - Pearson Education Italia

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Cascading Style Sheets. Guida pratica

Bert Bos - Lie Hakon W. - Pearson Education Italia

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Frykman Davis. Tolleryd JAkob - Pearson Education Italia

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Aggiornare e riparare i PC. Guida pratica

Scott Mueller - Soper Mark E. - Pearson Education Italia

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€ 22.00

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Principi di marketing

Kotler Philip. Armstrong Gary - Pearson Education Italia, 2009

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Sicurezza in informatica

Pfleeger Charles P. - Pfleeger Shari L. - Pearson Education Italia, 2008

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Calcolo delle probabilità

Weiss Neil A. - Pearson Education Italia, 2008

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Fuori dal coro. Il valore della diversità

Harari Oren - Pearson Education Italia, 2007

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VHDL. Progetto di sistemi digitali

Zwolinski Mark - Pearson Education Italia, 2007

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Guida FT: strategia

Koch Richard - Pearson Education Italia, 2007

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Sicurezza delle reti. Applicazioni e standard

Stallings William - Pearson Education Italia, 2007

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design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci