Pontificia Academia Scient.
L'attività della Pontificia Accademia delle scienze (1936-1986)
Marini Bettolo G. Battista - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1987
italian text

Research on pathogeny of mental retardation in trisomy 21
Lejeune Jérôme - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1988
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The building (of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences)
Delfini Gabriella - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
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Le siège (de l'Académie Pontificale des Sciences)
Delfini Gabriella - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
italian text

La sede (della Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze)
Delfini Gabriella - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
italian text

The interaction of parasitic diseases and nutrition. Atti della Settimana di studio (dal 22 al 26 ottobre 1985)
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1985
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The interaction of parasitic diseases and nutrition. Atti della Settimana di studio. Conclusions
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1987
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The artificial prolongation of life and the determination of the exact moment of death. Atti del Gruppo di lavoro (dal 19 al 21 ottobre 1985)
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1985
italian text

Remote sensing and its impact on developing countries. Study week. Conclusions (June 16-21, 1986)
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1987
italian text

Persistent meteo-oceanographic anomalies and teleconnections. Study week. Conclusions (September 23-27, 1986)
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1987
italian text

Molecular mechanisms of carcinogenic and antitumor activity. Atti. Conclusions
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1987
italian text

I discorsi dei sommi pontefici Pio XI, Pio XII, Giovanni XXIII, Paolo VI, Giovanni Paolo II alla Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze dal 1936 al 1986
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
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Discourses of the popes from Pius XI to John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1936-1986)
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
italian text

Discours adressés par les souverains pontifes Pie XI, Pie XII, Jean XXIII, Paul VI, Jean Paul II à l'Académie Pontificales des Sciences (1936-1986)
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
italian text

Historical aspects of the Pontifical Academy of sciences. Atti (October 28, 1986)
Marini Bettolo G. Battista - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
italian text

Federico Cesi nel 4º centenario della nascita
Enrico Di Rovasenda - Marini Bettolo G. Battista - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
italian text

Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the restoration of the Academy. Inaugural address of the president Carlos Chagas 27-10-1986
Chagas Carlos - Pontificia Academia Scient., 1986
italian text

The activity of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1936-1986)
Marini Bettolo G. Battista - Pontificia Academia Scient.
italian text

Allocution de sa sainteté Jean Paul II et discours de Carlos Chagas président de l'Académie. Audience pontificale 28-10-1986
Giovanni Paolo II - Carlos Chagas - Pontificia Academia Scient.
italian text

Aspetti artistici della casina Pio IV sede della pontificia accademia delle scienze (28 ottobre 1986)
Pietrangeli Carlo - Pontificia Academia Scient.
italian text

A Modern approach to the protection of the environment. Conclusions. Study week (November 2-7, 1987)
Pontificia Academia Scient., 1988
italian text

Science in the context of human culture. Vol. 1: Plenary session (Dal 29 al 31 ottobre 1990)
Pontificia Academia Scient.
italian text

Blessed Niels Stensen and his memorial plaque in the pontifical Academy of sciences
Pontificia Academia Scient.
italian text
