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Paideia Editrice

Storia e ideologia nell'Israele antico

Garbini Giovanni - Paideia Editrice

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Lettori cristiani di Seneca filosofo

Mastandrea Paolo - Paideia Editrice

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Spirito e vita cristiana in Giovanni

Ghiberti Giuseppe - Paideia Editrice

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Testi di Qumran

Paideia Editrice, 1996

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Bibbia Dei Settanta

Fernandez Marcos Natalio - Paideia Editrice

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Il battesimo

Basilio (san) - Paideia Editrice, 2000

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Scritti minori sul teatro greco

Cantarella Raffaele - Paideia Editrice, 2000

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La riforma protestante

Vinay Valdo - Paideia Editrice, 2000

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I salmi (61-150)

Paideia Editrice, 2000

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I salmi (1-60)

Paideia Editrice, 2000

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Le parabole del regno

Dodd Charles H. - Paideia Editrice, 2000

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L'aborto ieri e oggi

Sardi Paolo - Paideia Editrice, 2000

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Weiser Artur - Paideia Editrice, 2000

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La satira romana

Knoche Ulrich - Paideia Editrice, 2000

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Strutture teologiche dell'Antico Testamento

Fohrer Georg - Paideia Editrice, 2001

 italian text   italian text

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Attualità di San Paolo

Dodd Charles H. - Paideia Editrice

 italian text   italian text

out of print - NOT orderable


design e realizzazione: Vincent Wolterbeek / analisi e programmazione: Rocco Barisci