Urbaniana University Press
L'amministrazione della Sacra Congregazione per l'evangelizzazione dei popoli o De Propaganda Fide
Reghezza G. Battista - Urbaniana University Press
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The role of women in the Church in the light of the new code of canon law
Hoteyin Philip A. - Urbaniana University Press
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Play in religion. A means for catechesis and evangelization
Padinjatummury Joseph - Urbaniana University Press
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The concept of evangelization in the apostolic exhortation «Evangelii nuntiandi» of pope Paul VI
Vadakumpadan Paul - Urbaniana University Press
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The Holy Spirit calling the Church of Christ into existence among the Wafipa
Mwanampepo Malema Lui - Urbaniana University Press
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Contributo gnoseologico-metafisico di Amato Masnovo alla fondazione del neotomismo
Neva Mario - Urbaniana University Press
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Mixed marriage promises and religious liberty in the light of the new code
Thundathil Mathew - Urbaniana University Press
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Dialectique réflexive en «Gnoseontologie» tomiste. Approche méthodologique et théoretique du neothomisme trascendental du père André Marc S. J
Somé Pierre-Damien - Urbaniana University Press
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Familia crista, Igreja domestica objeto e sujeito de evangelizacao a traves da paroquia. Uma experiencia de pastoral familiar pela Igreja na America latina...
Spreafico Frei Serafino - Urbaniana University Press
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Catechetical education of the youth in the new code of canon law
Egbule Onwuli Cyprian - Urbaniana University Press
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The role of the community in penance and reconciliation in an African culture
Ambe B. John - Urbaniana University Press
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La mission et l'église contemporaine face aux realties terrestres
Nguyen Dang De Thomas - Urbaniana University Press
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Polygenism and the theology of original sin today
Augustine Kasuja - Urbaniana University Press
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Missione e cultura. A vent'anni dal decreto «Ad gentes» sull'attività missionaria della Chiesa
José Saraiva Martins - Urbaniana University Press
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Un tentativo di applicazione della teoria vichiana dei corsi e ricorsi alla storia della Corea
Kwang Seok Seo - Urbaniana University Press
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Women at the service of the Church: a study of the participation of the Sisters of our Lady of Nazareth in the mission of the Church...
Kanongata'a Keiti Ann - Urbaniana University Press
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