Gio. Benedetto Castiglione Genovese. Il Grechetto a Roma. Committenza e opere
Edited by Orlando Anna and Francesco Rotatori.
Genova, 2023; paperback, pp. 304, col. ill., cm 23x29.
cover price: € 150.00
Books included in the offer:
Gio. Benedetto Castiglione Genovese. Il Grechetto a Roma. Committenza e opere
Edited by Orlando Anna and Francesco Rotatori.
Genova, 2023; paperback, pp. 304, col. ill., cm 23x29.
FREE (cover price: € 150.00)
Giovan Antonio Dosio Da San Gimignano Architetto e Scultor Fiorentino tra Roma, Firenze e Napoli
Edited by Emanuele Barletti.
Photographs by BACHerin Paolo and Saverio De Meo.
Prima edizione 2011.
Firenze, 2011; bound, pp. 844, b/w and col. ill., tavv., cm 24x28,5.
FREE (cover price: € 98.00)
Vincenzo Meucci
Co-Editore: Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
Firenze, 2015; hardback, pp. 304, col. ill., cm 25x29,5.
FREE (cover price: € 50.00)
Gherardo Bosio. Opera Completa 1927-1941
Firenze, 2016; paperback, pp. 368, b/w and col. ill., cm 23x28.
(Architetti del Novecento. Storia e archivi).
FREE (cover price: € 60.00)
The following translation is provided for the customer's convenience. The customer's relationship with Libroco remains regulated by Italian Law and by the Italian version of all contracts, notices and forms included in Libroco's website and documentation.Agreement
This contract regulates the relationship between the customer and Libro Co. Italia following the confirmation e-mail sent by Libro Co. Italia accepting the order. Before such e-mail is sent, Libro Co. Italia will not have any obligation towards the customer.
Price and Total Cost of the Order
The prices listed on the website do not include VAT. The order's final cost will be calculated by adding shipping and handling charges, and the other charges determined by the method of payment, and by the requested warranties, to be calculated based on the elections made by the customers when entering the purchase order.
Libro Co. Italia will publish and update all the information relative to the availability of the product for sale, reserving the right to change them at any time without notice. If an ordered item is unavailable, or is erroneously listed as available, the customer will be notified by e-mail, and be requested to confirm the order for the sole items that are available.
Libro Co. Italia will deliver the merchandise at the address indicated in the order, with the method chosen by the customer (mail, priority mail, courier, etc.), using its best effort to respect the estimated delivery times indicated on the website.
If one or more of the ordered items are unavailable (such as those included in the "order" or "reserve" categories), the customer will have the option to have the available items shipped immediately, while Libro Co. Italia will send the remaining items when they become available. In this case the customer will be charged the shipping and handling costs for the entire order with the bill included in the initial shipment.
Libro Co. Italia will also have the right to include in a single shipment multiple orders from the same customer, if such orders are entered within three consecutive days. In this case, shipping and handling charges will not exceed the total amount to be charged if the items were to be shipped separately.
Shipping and Delivery Impediments
If the order is shipped, but cannot be delivered for reasons related to the customer (i.e. erroneous or inexistent address), Libro Co. Italia will be exempted from its obligation to deliver, and will credit the purchase price (minus shipping and handling costs) to the customer. Libro Co. Italia will list on its website the areas to which it does not deliver.
Order Cancellations, Returns and Changes
The customer has the right to terminate the contract, sending back the merchandise as soon as possible to the address indicated on the website. In order to exercise such right, the customer must send a written notice via registered mail to the same address within ten days from the delivery. In alternative, such notice can be sent within the same 10-day term via telegram, telex or fax, and confirmed with a letter sent by registered mail within the following 48 hours. Libroco will reimburse the cost of the merchandise, while the customer will be responsible for shipping and handling costs.
If the customers receives damaged products, or different from those ordered, the customer will immediately notify Libro Co. Italia via e-mail, sending back the merchandise as soon as possible to the address indicated on the website. In this case Libroco will pay all the costs related to the return and substitution. If substitution is not possible,
Libro Co. Italia will credit the customers all the amounts paid.
Form of Communications
ùAll communications relative to this contract, except where otherwise specified, can be made by e-mail. Libroco's address is,while the customers will be reached at the e-mail address entered when registering on the website. This address can be changed by accessing the "Personal Information Update" section on the website.
Libro Co. Italia does not provide any warranty, nor accepts any responsibility or obligation beyond those indicated in this contract.
Changes to This Contract
All descriptions and prices of the merchandise described on the website do not constitute a contractual offer, but simple invitations to offer. Libro Co. Italia reserves the right to change such information, including those relative to price and availability, without notice, and will have the right to cancel a contract it has entered into, when it becomes evident that the website or the order contain errors.
Online Mediation, Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
To resolve any dispute related to this contract, Libroco has adopted the Online Mediation Procedure of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, Italy. All the information regarding the mediation procedure can be found on the Chamber's website, or can be requested by e-mail to:
If this procedure cannot be employed for lack of eligibility, or for the refusal by the customer, all disputes will be resolved by the competent judicial authority in Florence, Italy (with the exception of the application, when relevant, of the laws and regulation for the protection of the consumer), through the application of Italian law.