Dover Publications
Complete Book of Bird House Construction for Woodworkers
Campbell Scott D. - Dover Publications, 1985
english text
Statistical Mechanics: Principles and Selected Applications
Hill, Terrell L. - Dover Publications Inc., 1987
english text
Introduction To Numerical Analysis: Second Edition
Hildebrand, Francis Begnaud. - Dover Publications Inc., 1987
english text
The Variational Principles of Mechanics
Lanzcos, Cornelius. - Dover Publications Inc., 1986
english text
First Footsteps in East Africa. Or, An Exploration of Harar. Two Volumes Bound as One
Burton Richard E. - Dover Publications
english text
Problems and Solutions in Quantum Chemistry and Physics
Pedersen, L. G. - Dover Publications Inc., 1987
english text
Borders, Frames and Decorative Motifs From the 1862 Derriey Typographic Catalog
Derriey, Charles. - Dover Publications Inc., 1987
english text
The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer On the Theory of Games of Strategy
Williams, J. D. - Dover Publications Inc., 1986
english text
The Technique of Copperplate Calligraphy: a Manual and Model Book of the Pointed Pen Method
Turner, Gordon. - Dover Publications Inc., 1987
english text